When should you see an Audiologist?

The Difference Between Ear, Nose & Throat Physicians (ENTs) and Audiologists

Q: What is an ENT?

A: An ENT specializes in medical or surgical treatment of the ear, nose and throat. Some ENTs perform ear surgeries such as PE tube placement, stapedectomies, mastoidectomies and implant devices such as BAHA, Osia, or Cochlear Implants.

Q: What is an Audiologist?

A: An Audiologist is a healthcare professional that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of auditory (hearing) and vestibular (balance) disorders. An Audiologist uses technological solutions such as hearing aids to manage chronic hearing loss.

Q: When does one need to see an ENT?

A: One should visit an ENT if he or she has medical conditions that may affect the ear, nose or throat. 

Q: When does one need to see an Audiologist?

A: One should see an Audiologist if he or she notices increased difficulty with hearing, such as turning the television volume higher or struggling to follow conversations in noisy environments.

Q: Do ENTs and Audiologists work together?

A: Sometimes Audiologists will refer to ENTs to inquire about the underlying cause of a patient’s hearing loss or for medical management of the hearing loss. Similarly, ENTs may refer to Audiologists for management of a patient’s hearing loss when they determine it is not due to an underlying medical condition and can be managed under an Audiologist’s care.

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